Smiles galore while Scouts refurbish home in Milnerton

1st table view scouts lf Gemma Jodie lb Jed Timo Robert and EmmaA Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others. Which is exactly what 15 Scouts from 1st Table View did this month at the Eric Miles Cheshire Home in Milnerton, Western Cape.

The initiative was taken by 17 year old Emma King, a Troop Leader from 1st Table View Scout Group who organised this community service project as part of her quest to achieve her Springbok. “We picked this charity because we realised this was a need in our community and by renovating and refurbishing the home, the 46 residents, many staff members and the charity organisation itself would benefit,” explains Emma.

1st table view scouts garrit and Jessie

Some of the projects were purely maintenance like painting gates and walls. Others were more intensive as establishing a fenced off potting shed area and building a cupboard in the lounge. “We created a potting shed area so that residents have a controlled environment in which they can work in the garden. The potting shed area was made accessible to people in wheelchairs too. This means that all the tables for potting are made to a specific height and the gate and latch system were modified.”The vegetables grown will be used in the kitchen as a source of food. Other flowers are also grown which are then used to bring in some income at fêtes. “

1st table view scout TimoHighlights were: “While we were helping we got the chance to interact with the residents and it felt good to know we were making a difference in their lives. This for me was a primary goal of the project,” says Emma. “For me personally, it was inspiring to see how the residents accept life and go on with a smile with a positive attitude despite their severe medical conditions or disabilities.”


“I am really proud of my Scout Troop and am truly grateful for all the support i received, which inevitably enabled me to successfully execute this project and make our society a better place,” concludes Emma.