North West Regional Team appointed

Recently appointed Regional Commissioner for the North West Thabiso Majola is pleased to introduce his new Regional Team, which was appointed last weekend with the support of the Chairs:  National Adult Support National Cub, Scout and Rover Programmes.

  • RTC Cubs: Queen Diseko
  • RTC Scouts: John Pablo Mogotsi
  • RTC Rover: Gabonewe Phage
  • RTC Adult Support: Itumeleng Sothoane.
from left to right its Gabonewe Pablo Thabiso Itumeleng and Queen

from left to right its Gabonewe, Pablo, Thabiso, Itumeleng and Queen

We thank them for volunteering to take on these responsibilities and wish them all the best as they continue to establish and grow Scouting in the North West of our country.

For more info about Scouting in the North West: