Cubbing is filled with hugs, laughter and ominous mischief

Pack Scouter Competition entry
By San Schmutz, APS 2nd Somerset West

san cubs2For five years, every Friday of school term, has been a purple plastered end to the work week. Our Cub pack meetings are filled with hugs, laughter and ominous mischief as a melody to the harmony of teaching Cubs through fun – actively pursuing learning in a dedicated play structured way.

I landed in the position of APS, by innocently volunteering to help whilst my children benefitted from the dedication of experienced pack scouters. The initial help soon became training, uniform and then self-invested interest on the way to personal development whilst training our young people in the aim of Scouting…

… “to contribute to the development of youth and young adults in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals , as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities”…..

san cubs1What makes me go back every week? Firstly the Cubs. The delight as they grow, discover, experience and become. It is a purposeful task to engage with young people where they are at and see and discover using all my senses again. Next, the wonderful ladies in our pack who are pillars of strength, strong ladies, who are real and willing to invest in themselves, others and the community. Then the personal development opportunities in Scouting to grow and be challenged in so many different ways. Lastly, the precious opportunity to make and keep friendships across all borders with like-minded people.

Cubbing has added priceless value to my life in knowledge, skill and attitude.  In our pack we are well supported and up-skilled and it is a privilege to go on training to further be equipped to plough back into an organisation that is there to equip our young people to be better persons in themselves and in the community, and the bigger environment. Thank you each and every one for your support in more ways than one. It is precious to have so much to give.