Does your Group have their “kit”?

denja packing kitsIn February we celebrate our Founding father Lord Baden Powell’s Birthday. What better reason to kick off our new Adult Recruitment Campaign for 2017! We know that many Groups are struggling to find and/or retain adults to help run their activities and hence we have an Adult Recruitment Kit for you. The kit is part of a comprehensive – low budget – adult recruitment campaign being rolled out by SSA nationwide this year. 

Why an Adult Recruitment Campaign?

As part of the Strategic intent of SCOUTS South Africa, Adult recruitment has been identified as a priority focus area for the next 2 years in order for the Movement to grow. Adult recruitment is a wide topic and includes adult recruitment for existing Groups as well as opening new Scout Groups.  This year the focus will be on recruiting adults into existing Scout Groups to ensure the strengthening of those Groups that are in need of more adult assistance.

In order for us as the Scouting Movement to offer our Scouting programmes and services, we need to have sufficient trained adult leaders in place who can implement the programme and inspire and encourage our members correctly.

Target market and messaging:

Our target markets for adult recruitment for existing Groups: parents, family members, educators in school groups, young adults 18-24 year olds and alumni

Some things you can talk to potential adults about:

  • Spend time with your children /grandchildren whilst having fun
  • Get involved in an awesome adventure
  • Meet new peers and have fun outdoors
  • Get prepared and develop new skills that may help your career
  • Make a difference in your life by setting children up for success
  • Have the time of your lives, together with your children!

How will the campaign work?

We will be rolling out a low budget campaign in 3 phases that each specifically targets one of our audiences:

  • Phase 1. Parents of current and new members, family and educators. In close knit communities/ churches you could reach out to community or church members too.
  • Phase 2. Alumni members
  • Phase 3. Retention of young adults 18-24 year old (Scouts and Rovers) and transition into taking on adult leader roles.

How can you help?

Phase 1: “These are the best years of my life, they could be yours too”

  • Timeline: Ongoing
  • Tools/Materials: Face to face communication with Groups, Districts and/or Regions; Adult Recruitment posters, cards and videos; online support through national  website and social media.
  • How does it work? As we are targeting parents, family and educators this needs to be mainly driven by the Scout Groups, Districts and Regions. The National Office will provide support through the material kits, an online platform to download the materials,  videos to complete the challenges on the cards and through multiple “boosted” call to action posts on social media platforms such as Facebook. We would also share your efforts and successes through posts online and – when possible in the media.

 Groups, districts and regional offices can use the kit to:

  • Promote face to face communication (talking to people at events, parent/school meetings, community service projects, when they drop off and pick up their kids, … share your stories and adventures)
  • Hand out marketing materials.
  • Online support for the cards / campaign can be found here and on the SCOUTSSA Facebook page. Encourage your Region, District, Groups and Members to share the posts on their / your own social media pages to get the word out there!

What do we do if an adult wants to join?

  • Capture their details and pass them on to the Scout Group Leader (SGL)
  • The SGL can respond via sms/WhatsApp/Email or pass their details on to the Regional Office. Either one should contact the person and help them take the required steps to join.
  • If the person is not sure, you can arrange an evening where they can visit/ get involved in a meeting/ event. Provide them with documentation, which should include application forms and either print a copy or refer them to the “This is Scouting for Adults” booklet. It can be found here. It explains how to join, the training opportunities and what they can expect as an adult leader in Scouting.

For more information: email