Apply to attend the 24th World Scout Jamboree in the USA here!

Calling all Scouts and Scouters!

24WSJ USAReady for the adventure of a lifetime? Apply now to join the SCOUTS South Africa Contingent to the 24th World Scout Jamboree 2019 in the United States of America. 

The 24th World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, USA. Host countries are the United States of America, Canada and Mexico. The camp will comprise of 60 000 Scouts from around the world who will get the chance to experience a full and exciting programme.

Scouts born between 22 July 2001 and 21 July 2005. Adult leaders born before 22 July 2001.

22 July 2019 – 2 August 2019 plus a pre- tour of five days to a week (dates of tour tba).

The estimated cost would be R 60 000 pp. This includes all transport, the pre- tour, food, accommodation and camp uniform. The price is subject to currency fluctuations, but it is hoped that it will not go higher than this. A R 10 000 deposit is payable with your application form. Payment reference = 24WSJ + A (for adult) or S (for Scout) + name and surname of applicant.

By the time of departure, Scouts younger than 15 will require at least their Adventurer and Scouts older than 15 will require at least their First Class. Scouters who want to apply to be a Jamboree Troop Scouter (TS or ATS) will require a Scout Woodbadge and experience in running a Troop.

Scouts: Download
24WSJ Youth Application Form (2017). Adults: Download 24WSJ Adult Application Form (2017). The R 10 000 deposit is payable with your application form. Email your application form and the proof of payment to close on 30 November 2017.

Jamboree LogoMORE INFO:
Visit  to see what the Jamboree Organisers are planning.
Please join the SA Contingent mailing list by registering on

SSA Contingent Management for the 24th WSJ 2019:

  • Contingent Leader: Gerard Evans
  • Deputy Contingent Leader and Communications: Andrew Campbell
  • Financial Manager: Kevin Trollip
  • Logistics Manager: Robin Ellis
    • Clothing and Equipment: Peter Niddrie
    • Travel: Nimmy Abrahams
  • Administration Manager: Malcolm Micklethwaite

To contact the contingent team email: