Who knew Kyalami had so many interesting places?

Written by Madita Bϋnnecke

1st germans hikeThe 1st German Scout Group recently went on a 21km Adventurer Spring Day Hike with eleven Scouts through Kyalami. Maximilian van Heerden led the group, aged 11 to 14, on the educational fun hike with the theme “flowers”. The youth were tasked to collect lots of flowers or to take photographs of them for their log book.

Lippizaners FarmOn Saturday they started their hike at the famous Lipizzaners Farm, a non-profit organisation where the Scouts were educated about the history of the Lipizzaner horses that were saved in World War II. After their visit at the farm, the Scouts went to the Mapatiza Mine where they learned about the difference between precious and semi-precious stones during an underground guided tour.

“The toughest challenge was going up the hill with our heavy backpacks in the burning heat”, explains Max. “Some of us even got blisters on our feet! Being a Scout helped us to be confident to take on this long hike and to not give up.”

Pizza techniques on a fire by Chef CarleyThe adventurous day came to an end and the Scouts set up a camp at 7th on Whisken Guest House. “We camped on their very large, tree-lined grounds in a beautiful, ethereal forest like setting. We will never forget this amazing campsite.” Hungry from a long day of walking, the Scouts were happy to learn how to make pizza from scratch on a fire. Carley, a very talented chef and her mom Dee, were keen to share their skills. For dessert they could even make a chocolate and banana dessert pizza! While busy cooking they also learned about yeast and gluten bonds, as well as different techniques for cooking outdoors.

7th on Whisken Guest HouseOn Sunday they made their way back 6km through Beaulieu to the Lipizzaners Farm. For all Scouts who are planning a hike like Max and his friends, here are some tips from the young adventurer: “Be prepared, especially with directions and a map. Plan carefully. I had to buy food for twelve people with different dietary requirements on a budget. And don’t forget good shoes!”

After the wonderful experience, the 1st German Scouts would like to thank the very friendly Kyalami community for their warm reception and for hosting the event, which was so much more than just Scouts achieving advancement badges. It’s about forming friendships and learning by doing.