A Movement that isn’t sustainable becomes a memory

Following the discussions at the Lekgotla 2017, SCOUTS South Africa will be developing a new Financial Model to drive the financial sustainability of our Movement without putting a burden on our members. In order to facilitate this, Mr Des Mahony has been appointed as a volunteer consultant to the National Finance Committee to lead the development of the model. He will be working closely with Regional teams and any volunteer that has time and the skills to assist.

Des MahonyDes joined the Scouting Movement in 1974 as a Cub with the Modderfontein Scout Group where is obtained his Leaping Wolf. He left Scouts when he started high school and went to boarding school.  However, in 2013 his son joined the Cubs and Des stepped back into uniform as an Assistant Pack Scouter with the 1st Rivertrail Cub Pack. Five years later Des is the Scout Group Leader of the Scout Group which is active in Sandton in Gauteng.

Professionally, Des is a chartered accountant and an advocate with a background in financial services.  He is currently involved in private equity and arbitration. When we asked him why he volunteered to assist us in working together to achieve financial sustainability he replied “A movement that is not financially sustainable becomes just a memory. I believe that Scouts SA has an important role to play in making South Africa a better place, which my family and I will benefit from together with everyone else.  I think I can add some value and I will enjoy the interactions with the dedicated passionate people throughout the organisation.”

So how can we help Des devise the financial model for SSA? “I am sure this will evolve as I get more stuck in but, for now, it is great that there is an overall strategy that has been developed and bought into. If we can all have an open mind with that end in sight I am sure my role will be easy…”