Thank you Dave for your service as Gauteng RC

Dave osmond

Mr David Osmond recently stepped down as Gauteng Regional Commissioner after more than 5 years of dedicated service to the Region. Dave has faced numerous challenges since December which he has steadfast addressed and resolved. However, he has now decided that the time has come for him to serve the Scouting Movement in a less demanding role and has applied for another position.

We thank Dave for his very significant contribution as the Gauteng Regional Commissioner. Without his energy, dedication and hard work Scouting in Gauteng would not be where it is today.

In light of Dave’s resignation, we are inviting applications and nominations for the Role of Regional Commissioner of Gauteng and will make the appointment as soon as practically possible. Click here for the job description, find the RALA application form here or complete the nomination form here. Applications to be emailed to and cc no later than closing of business on 25th March 2019.