“Scouting was my pillar!”

Written by Jana Lorenz

Molefi RabotapiHe loves Scouting and is dedicating his life to uplifting the youth of South Africa – Molefi Rabotapi comes from Potchefstroom and volunteers for the Scouting Movement as a member of the Regional North West Scouting team.

It was his father and his neighbour, a Troop Scouter, who brought Scouting into his life. “Their aim was to keep me away from the naughty guys – and it worked. I stayed away from bad things,” he says with a smile. “Scouting was my pillar! I joined the weekly meetings in 1989 as a Cub with the 2nd Ikageng Scout Group in Potchefstroom. The leaders helped me learn discipline and order and I have made those values a solid part of my life.”

Molefi has grown up in Scouting and has been through all the ranks. “It wasn’t easy for me all the time. When I started being a Scout, there were no warrants or badge courses I knew of in the North West.  I also did not have access to resources and books to complete badges so it was difficult for me to do the advancement programme”, he explains. Despite the challenges, Molefi stayed in the Scouting Movement. “As a Scout, you profit a lot as an individual. This includes a lot of mental development as well as learning skills like mapping. Even today – as an adult – I never get lost! I also remember the values and the skills which assist me in my daily life”, he explains.

After being involved in the Scouting Movement for such a long time, Molefi has a lot of great memories. Two of his favourite ones are the 1995 and 1997 Group camps he attended. “Those camps where special because we camped outside of the township and got to experience the Scouting adventure by sleeping in tents!”

As an adult volunteer Molefi wants ensure that current Scouts can benefit from his mentorship. “I volunteer my time because I love Scouting! I want to help and be a guide for the boys and girls in our Scouting Region and ensure that  they don’t struggle through their Scouting journey.  I feel that our current youth is lost and that we need to assist parents by taking part in moulding, guiding and developing them.” he continues.

Professionally, he works part time at a youth radio station he co-founded and focuses full time on promoting healthy recreational activities as part of a new initiative he has started. Just as his father brought Scouting into his life, Molefi also intends to introduce Scouting to his son, who just turned seven and will enter a local Scout Group next year.