Join the FLOW 2020 in Vienna!

FLOW Vienna 2020The Vienna International Jamborette 2020 “Flow” will take place from the 3rd to the 12th of August 2020 in Vienna, Austria. The official arrival day will be the 2nd of August 2020.


The camp with bring together 2000 Girl Guides and Scouts (aged 10-13) who will partake in programmes run in German. The 1800 Caravelles and Explorers (aged 13-16) and 1800 Rangers and Rovers (aged 16-20) will have the option to join the programmes in German or English. They are looking forward to meeting Scouts from most European countries and all over the world.


FLOW will take place at the Flow of the Danube river at the Vienna Danube Island, with access to both nature and the beautiful city of Vienna.


The programme will contain a Flow of topics and will be organised within the following three cornerstones: Innovation – Tradition – Internationality.

Four principles have been set: Scouting and Guiding forms the core“ – A camp with(in) the city“ – Less is more“ –We want to leave something permanent behind“.  For more information:


The costs differ per age group:

  • Girl Guides and Scouts € 360,00,
  • Caravelles and Explorers € 380,00,
  • Rangers and Rovers € 395,00,
  • Scout leaders (reduced) € 205,00 and
  • Staff € 175,00.

Costs exclude flights, visa, etc… are to be covered by the participants.

How to register?

Pre-registration for participants and staff closes on the 30th of June 2019.

Interested in attending? Email Do NOT contact the organisers directly, your application needs to go via the SCOUTS South Africa International Committee.