Help SSA roll out the Meerkat Programme!

child standing with scarfHelp SCOUTS South Africa (SSA) provide young children with values, life skills and confidence in their abilities by making a ‘Meerkat’ donation today! Click here to donate

SSA currently serves children and young people between the ages of 7 and 30. However, they have been developing a new branch for children aged 5-6 years old, which will be called Meerkats.

Early childhood education is inextricably linked to how children will perform as adults, largely because early learning builds the foundation for later success.In a country where adequate education is lacking, this programme can be a valuable addition to the growth of the young child.

SSA has finalized the programme, but to successfully roll it out help is needed to train the trainers and new adult leaders servicing Meerkats around the country. Further material to support the programme needs to be developed including illustrations, the layout of the training and support material, as well as a workbook for the Meerkats.

To help, go to the Scout Donation Platform here.