Scouting is a journey of personal development

San Schmutz

Charmaine, San, Carol. In front: Graham and Donald

San Schmutz lives on a smallholding in Sir Lowry’s Pass in the Western Cape. She is a university lecturer with two beautiful children who are both active in Scouting. She loves spending time outdoors and through Scouting can share that passion with others. Here is her Scouting story:

I joined the Scout Movement when my oldest child was 7 and became a Cub. Initially I just wanted to help out but nine years later I am still here😊! Over the years I have acquired plenty of memories from my own experiences and that of my children and friends.

At the moment I am an Assistant Pack Scouter with the 2nd Somerset West Cubs and I have my Adult Leader Training warrant and assist on the Adult training team. For me as an adult Scouting has become a personal development journey I had never embarked on before. For my children and those I serve, it is all about leadership, raising responsive young people who can be committed, responsible and able on so many levels. Scouting helps to build a value system that can be embraced and for my family has become a foundation to live by.

I obtained my Wood Badge in Cape Town in September 2016 under the leadership of Donald Alexander and Carol McKay. I remember the progressive reflection process they facilitated and how much fun we had in-between. There truly was much wisdom and guidance given to us as the time progressed. Some of the skills I was taught have now become part of who I am and I use them without even knowing. For me personally it really was a perspective change. In today’s society I think the Wood Badge training is still relevant because it doesn’t just focus on skills but also on investing in your personal development and reaching out to others.

There are times when children would wonder what the Wood Badge beads signify. I would then compare them to their own Interest badges and let the Cubs reflect on how they invest and learn to add value to their lives. I would point out how achieving those badges helped them grow as a person so that they in turn can pay it forward to others and the Movement.”

San’s life motto is:

I have so many beautiful sayings but this one is one I like to apply in Scouting: “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. ~Benjamin Disraeli”

#WoodBadge100 #WoodBadgeTraining #WoodBadgeCentenary #scoutssouthafrica #Skills4Life