Sabastian Rouse wins R2500 with the ChildFriendly App!

sabastian rouseCongratulations to 1st Muizenberg Cub Sabastian Rouse for being the June winner of the “Win with Scouts” competition in partnership with the FREE ChildFriendly App.

The competition runs from June 2019 to August 2019 and requires people to download the FREE ChildFriendly App and to nominate a Scouting member as well as a Scout Group. The Scouting member with the most “unique downloads + nominations” per month stands to win R2500! At the end of the competition in August, the Scout Group with the most “unique downloads + nominations” stands to win R5000.

SCOUTS SA spoke to Sabastian Rouse and his mom Samantha on how they were able to rally nominations and what he plans to do with the money he won.

SSA: Congratulations! You are the June winner of the “Win with Scouts and the Child Friendly App” competition. How do you feel?
Sabastian: I am so happy and excited. I would have liked to win, so my dream came true. I really appreciate all those that nominated me.

SSA: What do you plan on doing with the R2500 you won?
Sabastian: I have been wanting to buy a Life Straw for a while, for if we run out of water. I can also use it when I go hiking and camping with my Cub Pack. I also want to buy some things towards hiking, as I have started hiking more. But I also want to donate a little to the 1st Muizenberg Building Fund as we are saving to buy our own building. I have already saved from my birthday money that I am also donating.

SSA: What is the coolest thing about being a Cub with the 1st Muizenberg Sea Scout Group?
Sabastian: We get taught to never give up and our scarf is green because we have been around since 1909!

Sebastien RouseSSA: Your Scout Group is listed on the Child Friendly App so people in your area can find your Groups’ details there. Why should people come and join 1st Muizenberg?
Sabastian: Our adult leaders influence us to help others. They have helped me earn many badges and taught me many life skills. I love being a Cub at 1st Muizenberg.

SSA: Samantha, you are Sabastian’s proud mom. What are your thoughts on the Child Friendly App?
Samantha: It seems this App is a must have for all parents. Having a Cub and a Scout you can imagine that they love the outdoors. The App has many suggestions which I would have possibly not considered. There are even some options listed that have no cost. A mom mentioned to me the other day that she wanted to get her child more involved in volunteering, the App also has some useful information to get started.

SSA: In order for Sabastian to win, he needed people to download the App and nominate him. How did you help him with this?
Samantha: It took a matter of minutes to download and nominate Sabastian. I then sent the link to all my Whatsapp contacts, family, friends, fellow Scouts and posted it on Facebook with clear instructions on how to download the App. I also said that it was not only a competition, but that it was a great App to install, bonus being it’s a FREE App! I then reminded them a week before the end of the month to download it, if they hadn’t yet had a chance.

SSA:Why should other parents and Scouters do the same for their kids and Scout Group?
Oh my gosh, not only do we have an awesome FREE App, Sabastian has won R2500 and I hope that we have greatly assisted our 1st Muizenberg Scout Group to be in the running for the R5000 at the end of August! Our Group needs the funds. I plan to continue to encourage all of our 1st Muizenberg Scouts to enter and to send it to all their contacts to download and enter on their behalf. Sabastian’s winnings will no doubt encourage them to enter!

To stand a chance to win R2500 in July: download the App here, share and nominate!

#ChildFriendlyApp #win #scoutssouthafrica