LDC1, LDC2 and PTLC badges in store now!

LDC2The Leadership Development Courses (LDC1 and LDC2) were recently introduced and form part of the updated Advancement Programme. Placement for these badges will be with other Interest badges from the Scout Programme, on the right sleeve.

PLTCThe Patrol Leader Training Course (PLTC) has been running for many years. The PLTC badge was recently issued.

LDC1Please note that the Patrol Leader Training Unit Course (PLTU) is a Challenge Award and is not part of the Advancement Programme. The placement of the PLTU badge is not impacted by these new badges. The placement of the PLTU badge remains above the right pocket, as illustrated in the SCOUTS South Africa Uniform policy.

The LDC1, LDC2 and PLTC badges are available at the National Scout Shop.Badges cost R10 each.ย ย