The Wood Badge course teaches us “Stickability”

jenny duncanWood Badge holder Jenny Duncan lives in Edenvale and joined the Scout Movement over 38 years ago. For the past 22 years she has been running the Gauteng Regional Office. Jenny has three sons and in June 2019 she celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary! Here is her Scouting story:

I joined the Scout Movement when two of my sons wanted to go to Cubs. The Pack Scouter at the time had just been called up to the army and the Pack was in danger of closing down. My famous words that got me involved were “So what do you have to do to run a Pack?” I was put into uniform very quickly and did my Cub Warrant in 1981. Today I am still a Pack Scouter at 1st Hellenic Scout Group, where I have been for 30 years. I was an ADC/Cub Commissioner/District Trainer for 20 years until ADC’s were disbanded.

Jenny Duncan earlier yearsI completed my Cub Wood Badge at Gilwell in 1983 and my GS/Commissioner’s Wood Badge in 1993, also at Gilwell. I thoroughly enjoyed both Wood Badge courses and found that you are never too old to learn something new! It was hard work, but so worth it in the end. You learn so much. I think I mainly learnt that I was part of an organisation of friends, friends that are part of your life for years and years.

I feel that in today’s world the Wood Badge course teaches us as Adult Leaders “Stickability”, which was BP’s word for people to keep doing something, be it running Cubs or being proud of being part of the Scout Movement. I think that everyone can always learn more. Your training will never be a waste of time. Go for it!!

I am proud of what I have achieved in the Scout Movement and have learnt a lot from being a Scout. I have always tried to live my Promise and Law and try to lead by example at all times. Sometimes it is difficult, but I remember what and who I am and find I can get past any problems.  When my Cubs would ask what the Wood beads symbolize, I tell them that just like their Advancement Programme this is my Advancement. I sometimes tell them the story about Dinizulu and that this is the only recognition I earn for my training, whereas they earn lots of badges.

After more than 38 years, I still think Scouting is a fantastic way of living every day! Without my training, I don’t think I would be half the person that I am. I try and live my Law and Promise every day and encourage my Cubs to do the same. I feel that the younger ones coming into the Movement are the future, and I hope they go on to have as happy a time as I have had since becoming a Pack Scouter.”

Jenny’s life motto is:

“I’m a Pack Scouter – I can handle anything!” – with credit to Sherley Southworth. But it is so true. I feel that I can always help out in any situation. Keith Crossley once told me that we are better people because of our Scout Training. I quite agree.”

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