I’m proud to be connected with great adult leaders!

Prince charlesFather Charles Prince is a catholic priest and serves the township of Langa in Cape Town. Charles is a Wood badge holder and a stalwart in Western Cape Scouting. He loves Jesus, sunrises, coffee and Lord of the Rings. This is his Scouting story:

“I have been a Cub, Scout, Rover and Scouter in the Western Cape since I was invested as a Cub at 2nd Plumstead Sea Scouts in 1988. There are too many great memories to pick one, but getting to dress up as Gimli the Dwarf from Lord of the Rings for the opening parade of Kon-tiki 2005 – and staying in character for most of the weekend – was definitely one of them!

The Victors 1st DurbanvilleCurrently I am a member of the Western Cape Training Team, having spent almost 4 years as an Assistant Troop Scouter at 2nd Bergvliet Sea Scouts. Before that, I spent about 10 years serving in various Regional roles. Scouting has helped me to grow as a person, to meet and make friends with a wide range of people, and the various leadership roles that I have held definitely prepared me for the roles and responsibilities of priesthood and leadership in the church.

CGPI obtained my Cub, Scout and Rover Wood badges in the Western Cape almost 20 years ago. Through all the training, the companions on my journey almost always made a more lasting impact on me than any particular skill that was taught. Since its inception the Wood badge course applies the learning by doing methodology. For anyone who has been a Scout, much of the ‘doing’ of adult training does not entail the learning of new skills, especially if one undertakes a variety of adult training courses. Nevertheless, it is good and necessary for people who have not been Scouts, though it can be quite overwhelming at times!

As we celebrate 100 years of Wood Badge training I am proud to be connected with all the great adult leaders of the Scout Movement in this country and others, back to BP, who have sacrificed much for the sake of young people!”

Charles’ life motto:

“God first. Others second. Me last. “

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