Scout training cultivates proper good leaders!

Andrew StoltzWood Badge holder Andrew Stoltz is an Electronics Engineer and lives in Olivedale, Randburg with his wife. He is the proud father of a Springbok Scout. This is his Scouting story:

“I joined 6th Benoni Scout Group in 1967 because my brother was a Scout. I did my Springbok there and volunteered as an Assistant Troop Scouter, Troop Scouter and later Group Scout Master. At the moment I am the Scout Group Leader of 1st Randburg Scout Group. I enjoy volunteering as an Adult Leader even though it adds to my grey hair….

Around 1987 I obtained my Wood badge in Gilwell, Florida in the now Gauteng Scout Region. I still have my course notes! Scout Adult Leader training is the best – and cheapest – leadership training I have ever attended! Proper good leaders are rare, Scout training cultivates them.

The Wood badge is the symbol of a trained Scouter and those who have it live by their Scout Promise and Laws. Others may steal and murder and drive like fools, but that does not mean I have to as well. I do what it says on the wrapper and lead by example. I am most proud of my Sixth Benoni or First Randburg scarves, but it is nice to be part of an exclusive world-wide club of Wood badge holder too!”

Andrew’s life motto is:

“Be prepared. Also always think out of the box.”

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