Cape2Rio, join the JML Rotary Scout return trip

Message from JLM Rotary Scout Yacht Team 

JML Rotary ScoutPlans are well underway for the JML Rotary Scout (a Tosca 39′ cruising yacht) to compete in the 2020 Cape2Rio Race!

There is still space available on the return passage from Rio de Janeiro to Cape Town. It is open to all members of SCOUTS South Africa and members of the public. Like the race, this promises to be an adventure of a lifetime, including a stopover at Ilha Grande and Tristan da Cunha – the most remote island in the world!

The trip will be ideal for young people looking at going into yachting as a career and/or those wanting to fulfill the miles requirements for the SAS or RYA Yachtmaster qualifications. The actual routing being weather-permitting of course. The voyages to Ilha Grande and Tristan will also include some coastal sailing and anchoring which will further enhance the sailing experience for skippers towards their qualifications. Even if you are just looking for an adventure, this promises to be the trip of a lifetime!

Rotary Scout is well equipped with modern safety equipment to undertake an ocean crossing and has successfully done so on three Cape2Rio Races and multiple trips to St. Helena Island. Take a look at our Facebook and Instagram pages for photos from previous trips.

A donation of R20 000 per crew member towards the cost of the trip will be required. For more information or to express interest in participating, please contact us at for more info. When responding via e-mail please identify your age, relevant qualifications (e.g. SAS Day Skipper, Competent Crew, etc.), sailing experience and any other relevant information.

#Cape2Rio #scoutsSA #SAscouts #scoutssouthafrica #Skills4Life #JMLRotaryScout