Do good things and achieve your dreams

Scout Cub ActivitiesIt’s a sun filled morning and the hall at Silukhayo Primary School is abuzz with laughter and excitement. The Western Cape Scouting-in-Schools programme is hosting a Cub Fun Day at the school situated in the Zola Township in Strand.

After hearing the Cubs sing our national anthem, seeing them using compass directions to solve a quest and fill Eco bricks, I sat down with a few of the Cubs to hear how being in Scouting is affecting their lives.

Saving Mother EarthIndiphile Sonjeqa lives in the community with her mom, dad and 3 siblings. “I joined the Cubs at Silukhayo Primary School in 2017 because I wanted to get out of the way of our street. In our street people behave badly and when I told my mom I wanted to join and learn good things, she said it was okay,” Indiphile explains.

“I love learning new stuff and doing fun activities. I have learnt a lot, but the most important thing is that we must respect each other and should not fight. We must also try to keep our environment clean. In my community people just want a place to sleep and eat. They don’t care about cleaning the environment. As a Cub you have to respect the environment so I clean up at my house and show others how to do it.“

In addition to leading by example Indiphile feels that she has learnt to communicate better with others and has made new friends. She is supported by her family who hold her accountable to her Cub Promise and Laws. “I have a paper with the Cub Promise and Laws in my house. When I do my best and do good for others my mom gives me a sweet. When I break my Cub Promise I get grounded,” she says with a grin. “I have learnt that a Cub must show good behaviour and needs to listen. Every time I come to Cubs I like it more and more!”

Indiphile is not going to let anything get in the way of success. “When I grow up I’m going to be a mechanical engineer and I will build the exact car people want! I will also be a Cub Leader!”

Scout CubSiphelele Hoboyi (10) also lives in the Zola community and is a learner and Cub at Solomon Qatyana Primary School. He was excited to be part of the SiS Cub Fun Day. “My friend called me to come and see what he was doing with the Cubs. When I saw they do games and sports I was excited. I like to play with my new friends and I am proud to be able to sing the national anthem.”

Being in Cubs teaches me how to stay calm, how to talk to people, how to do good things and it also helps me with my school work. Cubbing has helped me with my English, Xhosa and geography. I’m in grade 4 and my teacher often asks me what I learn in Cubs. She says I must do my best so I can get my dream of becoming a pilot so I can visit any province I want” he says confidently. “I like Scouts! If you play the games, you don’t want it to end!”

#SDGs #GlobalGoals #Scouts4SDGs #Skills4Life #ScoutsSA #scoutssouthafrica #ScoutingInSchools #WesternCapeGovernment #GameChangers #Education #Leadership #Cubbing #YouthEmpowerment #EradicatePoverty