Let’s share some hope on Mandela Day!

The 18th of July marks the day on which we give back to others in honour of Madiba. Nelson Mandela was a wise leader, a humanitarian and the Patron of SCOUTS South Africa.

An important objective of Mandela Day is to translate his vision of a better world into actions, to inspire individuals to lend a helping hand and to empower communities everywhere.

SInce the beginning of lockdown many Scouting members have stepped up to help community members in need. Be it by doing grocery shopping for the elderly, by making masks,  buidling sanitzing stations or providing food and humanitarian assistance.

This year SCOUTS South Africa called on members to fill ‘Jars of Hope’ on Mandela Day in order to give hungry families a warm meal. So let’s make it happen! Let’s spend at least 67 minutes of our time to provide ‘Jars of Hope’!

As Scouts we are all Messengers of Peace who are committed to leaving this world a better place than how we found it. No matter how big or small we are, each of us has the power to make a difference. If we all make a difference together, we can change the world!

Send photos and a short paragraph of what you did in honour of Madiba to Natasha (PR) at pr@scouts.org.za!

Did you know?

Madiba himself was a Scout as a youngster. Later in life he agreed to become the South African Scout Association’s Patron.

Nelson MandelaIn 1976, the South Africa Scout Association took the courageous and unprecedented step of defying an unjust system and opened its doors to all young South Africans in a single united Movement. Upon becoming President of South Africa in 1994, Dr. Mandela recognised this pioneering role of Scouting in integrating South African society when he accepted to become the Association’s Patron.Under his patronage, the Scout Movement made tremendous progress and became one of the largest youth organisations in South Africa.

In recognition of his commitment to the dignity and freedom of all people, his support for the development of young people and their education, and his contribution to the growth of Scouting in South Africa and beyond, Madiba was awarded the Africa Elephant Award, the highest Scouting Award given by the Africa Scout Committee on the African Continent.

#lockdown #COVID19 #MandelaDay #CommunityService #67Minutes #actionagainstpoverty #NelsonMandela #scoutssouthafrica #ScoutsSA #MessengersofPeace #GlobalGoals #Scouts4SDGs #ZeroHunger #PayingItForward