Call for nominations for the role of Chief Scout of South Africa

Dear Scout Members,

call for cs nominationsOur current Chief Scout Dr Brendon Hausberger’s term is coming to an end at the end of 2021.  To ensure a smooth transition, and to facilitate an open and transparent process, the Scout Board is calling for Members of SCOUTS South Africa to nominate individuals to fulfil the role of Chief Scout.

The role calls for an individual with natural leadership and communication skills.  This is a volunteer leadership role, therefore the individual needs to understand and commit to a servant leadership model.  The nature of the organisation requires the person to have the ability to engage and align members from different social and economic backgrounds to the values and strategic objectives of Scouting.

A minimum of 10 years of adult volunteer experience within SCOUTS South Africa is required.  National or Regional leadership experience is advantageous. View the Role Description here.


Apart from the Board’s authority to identify suitable persons for this position, it was agreed by the Board to also call for nominations as follows:

  1. Call for nominations from across the country.
  2. Nominations to be supported by a Proposer and Seconder together with a motivation and CV. Please note that in order to nominate and to second you must be a member of the SCOUTS South Africa Movement and be in good standing.
  3. Find nomination form here.
  4. Nominations to be lodged with the secretary of the Board, who is the current CEO, by 31 August at 11.59pm

Yours in Scouting,

Dr Trueman Goba
Board Chairman
SCOUTS South Africa