Message from Chief Scout Brendon Hausberger
For many of us Heritage Day is a day when we look back at what came before and made us who and what we are today.
I suspect many of us have found ourselves asking – especially over the past 18 months – what led to the place and circumstance we find ourselves in now. Belabouring what we could have done differently in the past or whatiffing is something that few of us have found any peace or comfort in .
So instead, this Heritage Day, I want to ask you to look to the future. What is the heritage you want to leave behind? What is it that you want future generations to say about our generation and our time? And once you know what that is, what is it that you are going to do today to make that future perception of our actions a reality?
Chief Scout Brendon Hausberger, Photographer Brendan Dale
Heritage is not something that happens. It is the result of conscious decisions each and every one of us make today. I know that the challenges we face as a world and a country often seem insurmountable, unable to be changed by just one person. Well just remember how in sci-fi movies time travellers are always terrified that the one little thing they do will change the entire path of history. Consider for a moment how you can change the future by doing one little thing. That one thing you do today may change everything, or it may change nothing, but what I can reassure you is that if you do nothing, nothing will change.
So make the decision to build the heritage you want to see and start being that difference, today, tomorrow and always. Who knows – we may be the generation that made the step to leave the world a better place.
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