About 3600 children learn to grow their own veggies

Approximately 3600 learners ⚜️ from township schools and 187 YeboScouters from the Scouting-in-Schools initiative in the Western Cape learned how to compost, which vegetables to grow in which season, and how to create and maintain container gardens. The children and youth are now growing their own vegetables at home and at school #foodforlife.

The initiative was made possible through the generous support from M&G Investments Southern Africa. Their support enabled us to educate and upskill youth and children in micro-gardening. 🙏

The Food for Life programme was developed by SCOUTS South Africa in 2005 and is a progressive three level programme where the youth member will start by growing two vegetables in containers. At the end of the 3rd level, they can establish and sustain gardens and consume / sell their vegetables. Food for Life further aligns with the global “Scouts 4 SDGs” initiative aimed at mobilising youth to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It can be found under SDG 2 – Zero Hunger.