Eastern Cape Scouting under the Stars!

Written by SSA Youth Influencer Caroline Boshoff

Imagine traversing a scenic landscape under a blanket of stars, pushing your limits, and testing your skills alongside fellow Scouts… This is exactly what unfolded at the 2024 Eastern Cape South Regional Night Hike Competition!

Held on the beautiful Crossways Farm, this year’s event offered a twist on the traditional format. This wasn’t your average trek through the woods. This year, the challenge went beyond orienteering, pushing the boundaries of scout skill and teamwork.

Scouts from Algoa Sea Scouts, 1st Walmer, 2nd Gonubie Sea Scouts, 1st Sunridge, and St. Croix Sea Scouts participated in challenge bases that tested their skills in First Aid, Pioneering,3D puzzle assembly, and general knowledge. This twist added to the excitement of the competition for the prestigious Walton Trophy, which was established 95 years ago!

Most teams impressively hiked for the entire night – a challenging 11.5 hours – before spending another 2.5 hours meticulously compiling their logbooks. A big congratulations goes out to St. Columba’s Troop who emerged victorious, claiming both the Night Owl Hiking Trophy and the Walton Trophy!