Scouts gave me a purpose in life

Supplied by Lindani Mahlalele, SSA Youth Influencer Limpopo

“My name is Nkoka Mabuza , a seventeen year old girl who lives in Mohlaba homekraal. I’m an adventurous and passionate young lady . My story is painful and long, but I’ll try my best to highlight the important things.

My journey started on the 25th of June 2020 , when I was doing grade 8. At that time I was only 13 years old and this one morning I woke up and my entire life had changed, I had lost my pillar of strength, my support system. The whole situation changed my life. I was a child, adolescence has just taken over, I became unruly, I was disrespectful, did unruly things that I’m not proud of even today. I had that mentality that since my mom is gone “nobody cares”. But, all of that changed when I joined this organization “SCOUTS”.

I joined SCOUTS in 2020 just for fun. Unexpectedly, things turned out in another way and I became more interested in them. With time and patience ‘the leaf of the mulberry became a satin’, with this said, I mean I gave myself to this organization. SCOUTS gave me a new purpose in life. It gives hope and another purpose to live this life to the fullest!

Growing up I’ve always had dreams to fulfill and want to make my mother proud despite the situation. I’m still determined to make my guardian angel proud. I’ve always wanted to become an IT specialist. With this career, I aim to help other people and uplift the people from my community .

Investing in this organization doesn’t have to be financial only, you can also invest by encouraging your children to attend and change their lives.”