As tomorrow’s leaders, your actions will shape the future

Message from Jonathan Pienaar, National Young Leaders Representative

Dear Scouts, Rovers and Young Adult volunteers,

Today as we celebrate the spirit and potential of the youth across South Africa, I hope to remind you of the pivotal role young people play in shaping not only our past, but also our future. This message serves as a thank you to the Youth for creating a better world.

As members of the Scout Movement, you all embody the values of courage and resilience. As the torchbearers of hope, your actions have the power to make a positive impact on your communities and beyond. Whether it is through community service, good turns, or giving back in small ways, every small contribution helps to build a more unified nation and Scout Movement.

On this Youth Day, let us honour the legacy of those who fought for our freedom and continue their work by fostering a spirit of compassion, perseverance and unity. Remembering the lessons of the past, I encourage you to stand up for what is right. Be a beacon of light in your communities, encourage and inspire others with your hard work, dedication and enthusiasm. As tomorrow’s leaders, your actions will shape the future.

While we are all working tirelessly to improve our communities, it is important in this fast-paced world to stop and take a breath. As advocates for change, it is important to look after yourself. I encourage you all to look through the National Challenge for 2024. Personal Health and Wellbeing is important in this busy day and age.

It is so encouraging to see the extent that the Youth are getting involved in this Movement. I want to remind you this Movement is for you – the Youth. Please continue to get involved and support the Movement as Youth Members. Keep up the hard work and dedication to creating a better world!