Wood Badge holders live, eat and breathe Scouts

Phyllishia FlukePhyllishia Fluke is a Wood Badge holder and lives in Croydon, in Johannesburg. Both her son and daughter are in the Scout Movement with her.  When not Scouting, she loves to be crafty and creative. Here is her story:

“I got introduced to the Movement through my kids and could start this journey with them. I joined Scouting in 2011 to support the Akela in our Pack. I am currently the Troop Scouter. I have had the most amazing journey with my kids in the Movement as well as my own journey as an adult, making new friends and learning new skills. In turn, my kids have their own journey that they grow and learn from. The impact of Scouting can also be felt in our house where we live by the Scout Law and Promise. I have many great memories but some of the best ones are the Akela 2016 camp and some PacYac camps.

I obtained my Wood Badge in Gilwell- South Africa – in 2015. I still remember how much I learnt about myself. Also the amazing friends I made for life. Today I still ensure that my Scouts learn through play.  No one wants to sit in a lecture learning! I would encourage adult volunteers in the Movement today to do the Wood Badge course as training is very important for leaders. In today’s busy life you can’t always learn in programmes. It is also very important to meet other Scouters and form support systems and that only happens with training. Being part of the Wood Badge holders group is special, however I think this is the group that we would like to call the “lifers”. We live, eat and breathe Scouts every day. When a child asks me about my Wood Beads, I explain that they represent my commitment to the youth of today and years to come.

Lord Baden-Powell introduced the methodology of learning by doing in 1919. I feel that this method of learning is still very important, especially in the instant kids of today. Learning that not all is given, however you can work and earn your place in life. I also feel that it’s important for leaders to remember that when they make decisions, they keep in mind that we are here ultimately to lead girls and boys on a journey to hopefully become well-adjusted young adults in a world that needs them very much.”

Phyllishia’s Life motto is:

Have fun in everything you do!”

#WoodBadge100 #WoodBadgeTraining #WoodBadgeCentenary #scoutssouthafrica