Have you entered to WIN with Scouts yet?

QR codeHow does R5000 for your Scout Group’s activities sound? What about R2500 for one of your Scouts to use as they need? SCOUTS South Africa has partnered with the FREE Child Friendly App. Every Scout Group is now listed for free on the App that allows parents to find child friendly activities in their area.

The Scout with the most nominations in June will win R2500! The Group with the most nominations by the end of August will get R5000!

Only two more weeks to go in June, so DOWNLOAD, NOMINATE and SHARE this post with your parents, Rovers, Scouts and volunteer team! Download the App here: http://childfriendlysa.co.za/

Who knows, you might also find some interesting places to visit with your kids during the holidays on the App!

#scoutssouthafrica #childfriendlyapp #Skills4Life #WinWithScouts #Scouts