The powerful course leaders amazed me!

Paddy MilnerPaddy Milner is a Wood Badge holder and the Western Cape Regional Commissioner. He lives in Cape Town with his Scouting supportive wife Annette. They have been blessed with 4 adult children and 5 grandchildren. Paddy had a long career in executive management with Shell South Africa, and held various directorships over the years. His interests are based around the outdoors. He loves camping and hiking, as well as running and cycling. Here is his Scouting story:

I am I guess a career Scout having been a Cub, Scout, Rover and Adult leader. I have also served in various roles and I have been a member of the Training Team since 1978. In life, I am guided by the Scout Laws and strive to be a positive influencer, and I guess my family get the spin off from that whereby Scouting also impacts on their lives. I have many fond memories but I find most events have great deal of fun and excitement in them. Being active on the Water Activities base at Cederberg never fails to provide fun for me!

I attended the Wood Badge course at Gilcape – a regional camp site which was sold due encroaching housing, back in 1977. I still remember how amazed I was by the powerful leaders on the team, and the commitment of the “Readers” who mentored us through the various questions. I still have my Wood Badge project book!

To this day I constantly use skills ranging from First Aid to Outdoor Survival (and most other skills I learnt). I think the Wood Badge training remains relevant as it has adapted over the years to changing needs. With Google, extended work hours, social media and other pressures, the Wood Badge needed to adapt to more limited time available, but the skills, the exposure to new and old ideas around issues remain relevant. Also our methodology remains significant. Without doing things the learning is not embedded. I think this methodology fits the “the technology has changed, but people are still people and their ability to learn new things has not changed yet”.

Globally the Wood Badge is the symbol of a trained Scouter. I believe a Wood Badge holder is a person who is committed to growth and learning and making sure they have the best training to ensure they deliver fun and exciting programmes and Scouting to their youth members.”

Paddy’s life motto is:

“Don’t allow negative Karma into your space!”

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