I’m an introvert but Scouting changed me

Terence LeversTerrance Ievers lives in Table View in the Western Cape with his wife Sharon and their two sons Nathan and Garrit. He is a qualified electronic engineer and loves the outdoors, cricket, rugby and table tennis. For over 30 years Terrance played 1st league table tennis as well as indoor cricket which he started in 1986 until 2016, and where he represented the Western Province. This is his Scouting story:

“I am generally an introvert, but Scouting and being outdoors changed me. My son Nathan joined the Cubs when he was 9 years old. He progressed all the way to Explorer, but did not finish due to his schooling and swimming for the Western Province. In 2010, when Nathan was 15 and a Scout at 1st Table View Scout Group, the Troop Scouter resigned. A parent meeting was held, the position was put forward, and I decided to volunteer my services and stepped into uniform as the Troop Scouter. At the time Nathan had to teach me all my knots and lashings! I have since moved to 1st Bothasig Scout Troop. Nathan is one of my Assistant Troop Scouters my other son Garrit is a Scout. In addition to this, I am also the Course Director for the ‘Fires and Cooking’ and ‘Cook Interest badge’ courses.

Scouting keeps me active and gets me ‘out and about’ to places I probably would never have visited as a normal parent. I also get to meet a lot more people than I would as an introvert and have so many fun memories! My favorite was building a large Catapult on the beach and throwing fire balls into the sea!

On the 15th of June 2013 I obtained my Wood Badge. The Wood Badge course was great and a lot of fun. I even enjoyed the hike up to the SMC hut in the rain and wind! The biggest skill I learnt, and use, is to ‘Be Prepared’. I also often use my knots when taking equipment to various sites on a trailer. For over 100 hundred years the Scouting method has been to learn by doing. I feel that this is still the best method as the Scouts get to do it, and not just learn about it in a book or in class. ‘Scouts’ is not School!

As a Scouter I have my proud moments and sometimes get ‘goose bumps’ when I see the Scouts using what they have learnt, at Scout meetings, and putting it into practice. If you would ask me why I do this and voluntarily give up a lot of my time for the Movement’, my answer will always be ‘I do it for the kids’!”

 Terrance’s life motto is:

“Always set a goal and plan for it.”

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