SSA’s Global Ambassadors at the 24th World Scout Jamboree

Experience the 24th World Scout Jamboree through the eyes of youth participants from different countries!

Contingents to the 24th World Scout Jamboree in the United States of America have designated participants to be their Global Ambassadors. Each Ambassador will be given unique access to programme and activities at the jamboree and, in return, is asked to share their jamboree story with the Scouts, friends, family, and public back in each ambassador’s home country – and around the world!

SCOUTS South Africa’s Global Ambassadors are Mia Ehlers from the Western Cape and Megan Evans from the Gauteng Scout Region. To find out more about them click on their photo below:

Scout Jamboree Hiking

Mia Ehlers

Scout Jamboree

Megan Evans

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