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We believe in young people!

At Scouts, we give our youth member’s skills and experiences that equip them for life’s challenges and help them to make a positive impact on communities. We help young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.

Making a will is an important step to take when planning for the future. It makes it easier for family and friends to settle your affairs, and you know your loved ones will be looked after when you’re gone.

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How do I leave a gift to Scouting in my will?

You can make a difference to a young person by leaving a gift to Scouting in your will. Making a will ensures you are in complete control over the legacy you leave and gives you total confidence your finances will be directed according to your wishes. Legacies can be left to charities (completely free from inheritance tax) as a final gift from you. Gifts in wills give Scouts the financial security to plan and fund future initiatives to support the young people who need us.

Including The Scout Foundation in your will is easy to do. You can simply write the Foundation into your will, bequeathing us with your preferred legacy. If your will is already written, you amend it by adding a Codicil to it. Codicil is a schedule or annexure to an existing will, made to supplement or amend an existing will.

The Codicil form needs to be signed and witnessed in the same way as your Will. The codicil must then be kept in a safe place with your Will.

How do I donate in memoriam?

Has your loved one left the request to support Scouting in South Africa? Did Scouting bring a lifetime of adventure and joy to your loved-one? Want to give back? Make a once off donation to the SCOUT Foundation Endowment Fund and ensure that the legacy lives on!

Need assistance to leave a Legacy?

If you would like to leave a life-changing legacy and make your mark on Scouting, please contact us and we will provide you with the necessary information.  Contact details: ceo@scouts.org.za

Account details:

Bank: Nedbank Branch: Foreshore Cape Town Branch, Code: 108309 – Type: Current Account, Account Name: The Scout Foundation – Account number: 1083277502.