From Sea Scout to South African Navy Officer

Craig Burchell Burger 2019Craig Burchell-Burger lives in Muizenberg, Cape Town with his wife and beautiful daughter. He is a weapon’s engineering officer in the SA Navy and serves on board a Frigate. When not at sea, he enjoys Scouting, cycling and sailing. This is his Scouting story:

I joined Cubs in 1992 at 1st Gordon’s Bay Sea Scouts and when I turned 11, I went up to Scouts. At 18, I became an Assistant Troop Scouter at the same Troop. In 2007 I transferred to 1st Muizenberg Sea Scouts as an Assistant Troop Scouter. A few years later I took over the role of Troop Scouter. In 2018 I stepped down as TS and I now serve as the RTC Scout Programme and belong to the Two Oceans District.

Craig Burchell Burger 2019I obtained my Wood Badge is 2013 in the Western Cape. I still remember most of what we were taught and I can honestly say I use my Scouting skills daily. I’m a true believer in Baden-Powell’s learning by doing methodology. It works extremely well and I hope it will always be the Scouting way of learning and will never change.

As a Wood badge holder I am aware that I am required to apply my theoretical knowledge practically, to motivate and inspire Scouts and Scouters. I am proud and honored to be able to wear my Gilwell scarf, wood beads and woggle. Scouting has molded my life and the person I have become.”

Craig’s life motto is:

“Ready + 1! Always be ready for everything and then be ready for the next thing too.”

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