Because of Cubs I understand my maths!

Scout CubToday we celebrate the UN International Day of Girls. Ten year old Axole Majodina attends Silukhanyo Primary School and lives in the disadvantaged community of Zola in Strand with her family. She saw her friends attend the Scouting-in-Schools Cub meetings and realised that Cubbing could help her achieve her dreams. “I saw that they learn lots of interesting things, play games and that the school work of the children in Cubs got better. I want to be a doctor or a teacher one day. I want to know how to treat my sister and so I also wanted to learn more.”

“My favourite thing in Cubbing is reading the compass so we can find the key to unlock the answer. I know how to find north and south and how to follow compass directions. I’m also happy to be in Cubbing with my friends because we are even better friends now. Lots of children fight and beat each other but we don’t do that because we are Cubs. We also do projects like make cards for people, plant plants and learn to sing many songs”, continues Axole.

“My Akela Yolanda Zote is very kind. I want to be like her one day. She teaches us lots of new things and also helps me improve my English. In school maths is taught in English. Because of Cubs my English is good and so now I understand my maths better. I also like geography, natural science, English and Xhosa. In Cubs we learn to listen, so when teacher speaks I can now listen better. This has helped me and my schoolwork is much better”, she states proudly.

Scout CubAxole has achieved a number of badges including the SSA Water Champ Challenge badge. “I liked doing the water challenge. We need to save water because we need to drink water. Also we need to keep it clean because otherwise the sea animals will eat plastic and die. So I am proud to have my badge”, she says with a huge smile.

#GirlChild #InternationalDayoftheGirl #UNDayoftheGirl #EmpoweringGirls #SDGs #GlobalGoals #Scouts4SDGs #Skills4Life #ScoutsSA #scoutssouthafrica #ScoutingInSchools #WesternCapeGovernment #GameChangers #Education #Leadership #Cubbing