It was an experience that I will never forget!

Written by Connor Hatfield

connor hatfield leaping wolf

Connor (left) and a mate

My name is Connor Hatfield and I took up the challenge of completing my Leaping Wolf badge at 1st Rivertrail Scout Group, Bryanston last year. To earn this badge one of the requirements is to complete a project that helps develop global awareness.

Living in the world we do, there are so many options to choose from but luckily one of my Mom’s good friends is involved with the SA Guide Dog Association. Tamsyn Visagie was puppy raising York, so I decided doing something for the association would be a good idea.

I met York when he was just a pup and boy, was he cute. I found it hard to believe that one day this little chap could change the life of someone needing help daily. I asked Tam lots of questions and soon realised that non-profit organisations really do need our help.

My goal was to raise R1000 for SA Guide Dogs and I did it by selling crunchies, bookmark packs, popcorn and cupcakes each Friday night at the end of Cubs. Some nights were great and others not so much, but with the support from my Cubs mates Ryan and Myles, as well as my very enthusiastic Akela Kim Abraham I achieved my goal.

I was very proud to hand over my envelope of coins. Tam and York were there, and I met Paul and got to see how incredible these Guide Dogs are for people in need. I was awarded my Leaping Wolf and hope that my project inspires other families to support this organisation. It was an experience that I will never forget!

#scoutssouthafrica #SDGs #GlobalGoals #MessengersOfPeace #CommunityService #MakingThingsHappen #ScoutsSA #Volunteering #Cubs #SAGuideDogAssociation