I have power and potential, I can be independent!

Written by Njabulo Thulani Ngcobo

NjabuloNjabulo Thulani Ngcobo (17) was one of four Scouts who attended the World Scout Jamboree in America thanks to the generous financial support from the World Scout Solidarity Fund, Scout Groups, parents and members of the public.

He lives with his family in Inanda Newtown in Durban and is a Scout with the 1st Imbaliyamazulu Scout Group. Attending the World Scout Jamboree in the USA meant that Njabulo would get to experience many things for the first time.

“When the day arrived to leave for the Jamboree I was very nervous because it was going to be my first time being on a plane. It was my first flight and also my very first time going outside of the country. The trip to New York is something I will never ever forget in my life! Being in Time Square with a lot of people around me was such a great experience! One of the things that could make me want to visit New York again would be 6 Flags. That place was just unexplainable! So many activities to do! Going on a roller coaster for the fist time in my life was also really something I will never forget! And all the other places we went to were fun and I learnt a lot.

When I first saw the Jamboree site ….  ohhh I have never seen such a big site in my life! That place was too too big.  I was shocked just by looking at the site because I knew that a big site like this surely would have big things hidden for me to find. Then, while I was still shocked about the size of the site, I saw 45,000 Scouts on the same site! That was just unbelievable for me. I just thought that no … maybe I am just dreaming…

BSA/WOSM. Photo by S Jean-Pierre Pouteau 2019

At the opening ceremony we – the SA Scouts – were invited to be on stage and sing with one of the best musicians LEBO MATHOSA! I was very very happy and I couldn’t believe it! Especially when he sang the The Lion King song “The circle of life”. I just felt as if I was part of the movie!

At the Jamboree I learnt different ways to communicate with other people from other countries. I did a lot of activities like mountain biking, scuba diving, rock climbing, etc… They were all challenging and fun at the same time . I’m taking a lot of lessons back from the Jamboree. I learnt that we are not the same and communicating with other people can help you in many ways. Also, being outside of your comfort zone can make you realise the power and potential you have within you, that you didn’t realise you had.

Being outside of your comfort zone can make you realise the power and potential you have within you.

Being part of the SA contingent changed my life. I never thought for a second that I would be able to stay somewhere for a whole month without my family around or even contacting them. I always thought that my life evolved around them, until the day I left from the King Shaka international airport. I can now be independent and stay without them. My future plans include helping my Troop mates to achieve Springbok level. I also want to work on my goal of being a Troop leader for the PLTU course and keep on doing great things for the Scout Movement.

To the people that sponsored me I would like to take this opportunity and thank everyone of you for doing such a big thing for me. You took the money that you worked for, your family money, and gave it to some people whom you didn’t even know. I am very grateful for what you did for me. I wish I could return the favour some day by doing what you did for me – or even more – for other children. I wish God can give me that strength to do it. May the Lord bless you with more than what you gave to us . I really really appreciate it!

taung troop

Taung Troop. Photo: Cobra Mick

I also want to thank the Contingent leaders for taking good care of us. Especially our Taung Troop Scouter who did a very good job in keeping us happy and safe at the same time. He was like a father to us, with the help of the other Troop Scouters. Secondly, I thank the Taung Troop for making this Jamboree so memorable because of the love they showed towards me. It was like we had known each other for years although we were coming from different parts of the country. I also thank my Crocodiles Patrol members for being with me through happy and sad times.

Not forgetting my beautiful family and my home Troop members and Scouters who are the ones who made it possible for me to attend the Jamboree. I will never ever forget the work they did for me to be who i am today. I really appreciate it! A special thanks to Tyson Dotye,  Mrs Mkhwanazi and Linton, may God bless you.”

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