Tide Turners

The Tide Turners Plastic Challenge is a global initiative developed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), adopted by the World Scout Organization as an integral component of its Earth Tribe Initiative.

The Tide Turners Plastic Challenge will help young people to understand the impact humans have in the world when it comes to plastic use and consumption and how you can promote a clean, healthy planet that will contribute to a more sustainable world.

The Tide Turners Plastic Challenge supports the development of a specific set of competencies in young people to adopt responsible behaviour towards the environment in the area of a “Healthy Planet”. This set of competencies is complementary to many others that Scouting recognises through the Earth Tribe Programme and aligned with Education for Sustainable Development Goals.

So, by taking up the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge, young people develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes essential for supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.


The most updated Tide Turner Plastic Challenge resources can be found on the Scout Wiki.

Implementation Manual & Action Kit

Cubs Programmes-on-a-Plate

Scouts Programmes-on-a-Plate

For stories from our membership who have completed the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge check out our news blog regularly.