Swipe for Scouting!

Help SCOUTS South Africa support a rural child and add us as a MySchool beneficiary today CLICK HERE to help 1SCOUTS South Africa is a registered beneficiary of the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet rewards programme. At no additional cost to yourself, you could help us raise funds to grow and sustain the SA Scout Movement.

Every time you swipe your card, you are fundraising for SCOUTS South Africa! You can sign up for the card for free and have up to 3 beneficiaries per card, so could support your child’s school, your church, AND the Scout Movement.

Add SSA as a beneficiary here

Swipe at Builders too!

Did you know that every time you shop at Builders you can swipe for Scouting too? Simply go to https://www.builders.co.za/login, create a profile and add your MySchool card number to your Builders’ card profile.

Thanks for your support!
Together we can create more opportunities to help children grow!