My Scout journey has been transformative

Supplied by Lindani Mahlalele, SSA Youth Influencer Limpopo

“My name is Charleen Vutomi Shingange, and I’m sixteen years old, currently in grade 11. I hail from Petanenge village in Limpopo. I joined the Scouts in 2017 while in Primary School, at the age of 10, starting at the first level known as Cubs.

I joined the Scouts to expand my knowledge, particularly about nature. The organization focuses on teaching youngsters survival skills in nature and fostering a deep connection with the natural world. I have always had a love for nature and a thirst for learning new things, which makes me quite adventurous!

Before joining the Scouts, I was not very talkative and quite shy, especially within my family. I was often perceived as aggressive and uninterested in activities that could keep me busy as a child. However, I always enjoyed going to the mountains with my siblings and grandmother to collect wood.

My aggression may have stemmed from not receiving the love of a father figure, but I developed a strong bond with my grandmother and grandfather, who played significant roles in my upbringing. My mother was also a constant source of support for me and my siblings.

Being a part of the Scouts has deepened my love for nature and taught me to respect the environment. I have learned to coexist with animals and understand that not all animals pose a threat, unless provoked. Scouting has instilled in me a sense of responsibility towards my surroundings and the importance of helping others without expecting anything in return. It has taught me that in every challenge I face, I must persevere and continue pushing forward with determination.

After completing school, I aspire to further my education at the University of Johannesburg, where I plan to study Data Science. Additionally, I have a passion for modeling that I hope to pursue once I am no longer constrained by school commitments.

I am grateful to all those who have supported me, especially the KTD196 community and Scouts. Your unwavering support motivates me to keep going even when faced with challenges. Your encouragement is akin to that of cheerleaders, inspiring me to never give up on my journey. For this, I extend my heartfelt thanks.

In conclusion, my journey with the Scouts has been transformative, shaping me into a more responsible and resilient individual. I look forward to the future with optimism and a determination to achieve my goals.”