A Scouting salute for today’s Gilwell Reunion!

Message from Gary Pienaar Chief Commissioner

A Scouting salute to all our volunteers on this Gilwell Reunion day!

Reunion is a treasured annual tradition, connecting countless Woodbadge holders around the world together, as fellow members of the 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group.  Our ‘two wooden beads on a leather thong’ symbolise a shared commitment to the importance of learning, mentorship and personal growth.

For lifelong learning is at the very heart of the Scout Movement and also our adult volunteer experience.  It challenges us to step beyond our comfort zones, embrace new skills, and continually enrich our understanding of the world and each other.  Our journey is not just about acquiring skills and knowledge,  it is also about the application to make a positive impact, not only within our Groups but also in the broader communities we serve.  As leaders, our commitment to learning also sets a positive example for the young people in our care.

My congratulations to all those receiving their Woodbadge beads and parchments for the first time today.  Well deserved recognition for the time and effort you have committed to the development of your personal Scouting journey.

As Woodbadge holders we all have a collective responsibly for encouraging and developing the next generation of leaders, to ensure the longevity of our Movement.  So, my challenge to you -Woodbadge holders both old and new – is what will you do to foster an environment which values curiosity, questioning, personal resilience and lifelong learning?  How have you challenged, supported and encouraged new volunteers to embark on their own learning journeys?  And have you ensured that the values and ideals of the Woodbadge continue to ignite and inspire generations of Scouts and Adult Volunteers for years to come?

Finally, thank you for your continued dedication, your passion, and your willingness to grow alongside our Scouts.  Always remembering, that in Scouting, every day is a chance to learn something new!