Working as a team rocks!

This year we are celebrating 100 years of Cubbing worldwide. In South Africa we are celebrating through Group, District, Regional and National events. But, if we really want to know why Cubbing Rocks, who better to ask than the Cubs themselves….

We spoke to Elizabeth Downes (10) from 1st Henley Cub Pack in Gauteng.

8d3516f9271e747aa9a0ccf27ed98dbd 3SSA: Why is Cubbing so much fun?
I like Cubbing because we do fun activities and sometimes we make funny jokes.

SSA: What was your best experience with Cubs?
My best experience was working as a team at a camp.

SSA: What is the weirdest thing you ate outdoors?
The weirdest thing was an ashy boerewors.

SSA: What was the toughest challenge at Cubs?
The toughest challenge was becoming a Sixer and to get the Six to listen to you.

SSA: What was the most amazing place you visited with Cubs?
One of the most amazing places I went to was Arrowe Park. We also went to the Remembrance Day in Johannesburg,that was amazing too.

SSA: Can you name a few things you have learnt by being a Cub?
I have learnt how to do knots and how to become a Sixer. A Sixer is the leader of a Six.

SSA: What things have you done with Cubs to help people in your community?
Once we did a recycling hike and sorted it into glass, plastic and metallic.

SSA: What did you teach your mum that you learned at Cubs?
I showed her things but she knew them already.

SSA: What makes a good Akela?
A good Akela listens and helps, they are also fun but sometimes strict.

SSA: Why is your Akela special?
My Akela is special because he is funny and makes jokes.

Cubbing Rocks because … it is fun!

#Cubs100, #CubCentenary #CubbingCentenary