Scouting has taught me how to plan my life

Written by: Denja Otte

The Scouting Movement would not be what it is today if it were not for all our dedicated youth stepping into adult leader roles. Once such young adult is Adeeb Abrahams, Troop Scouter for 1st Belvedere Scout Group and Rover with the Constantiaberg Rover Crew in the Western Cape.

Teaching Scouts How To Plan Their LivesAs a young lad Adeeb was looking for an extra activity after school and joined the 1st Wetton Scout Group in 2003. “I thought it would be great to join the Scouts, and I was right” states Adeeb. “I loved the continuous training you get as a Scout. I was able to grow and advance my skills all the time, I really learnt a lot!”

After years of adventures, Adeeb­­­ is still very active within Scouting. He has taken on a leadership role and still enjoys the cameraderie with his peers that Rovering offers. “I am now able to give those experiences back to my Scouts.” says Adeeb. “It is rewarding to see them grow.”

When asked about his favorite memories he said: “There is not one moment. But if I have to name a few than the first investiture I conducted was one of the most awesome ones. I got to invest somebody into Scouting and this is their start, their journey within the awesome movement that is Scouting. Now this Scout can experience the same as me. Another original moment was when a Scout that was working towards his Adventurer badge chose to focus on the Scout Group Leader in his yarn about inspirational leaders. Normally it is done on leaders like Nelson Mandela and to choose your Scout Group Leader is something special. “

Mountain HikingIt is clear that he loves being an adult leader, but why did Adeeb become the Troop Scouter for 1st Belvedere Scout Group? “I have been an Assistant Troop Scouter since 2011 and earlier this year when the TS position opened up I grabbed the opportunity. First of all, my Scout Group needed a new Troop Scouter. Secondly I think it is also good for my own personal growth and advancement”, he explains. “To combine work, family life and Scouting is really difficult. But I think Scouting has thought me how to plan my life. So somehow, I manage all of that!”

“We teach the Scouts a lot of things but the most important skill is leadership. In my opinion I think leadership can’t be thought in any other way than the patrol system. Also, the Scouts learn how to deal with different personalities. In school you mostly interact with your friends. You are seldom put into situations where you interact with different characters.  At Scouts people who would never become your friends in school, are now your friends”, says Adeeb.

Teaching Scouts How To Plan Their LivesWhen asked what abilities a good adult leader should possess, he laughs and says immediately “A lot of patience! You also need to manage your time as you should be able to prepare a lot for the Scouts. Sometimes this is hard work, but as a Troop Scouter you also learn a lot of things. I learnt things like management skills and how to deal with issues arriving up from parents. I think you just grow in your role all the time”, he says.

The 1st Belvedere Scout Troop is a relatively new troop which was opened in 2015.  “As a new Scout Group, we didn’t have many Scouts and so we had to market ourselves considerably. We visited schools and looked for potential Scouts.  Now – 2 years later – we have a very strong Troop and take part in all the regional Scouting competitions. This year we entered the Cape Kontiki with a raft for the 1st time and came 17th.  That is a good start and I´m proud of this”, he says with a smile.

A last word from Adeeb why youth should consider becoming adult leaders: “If you are crazy you should join!” he quips. “It’s very rewarding to guide children through the programme and see them flourish. You get to see many funny things and experience many different adventures that you might not have had the chance to experience without Scouting.”

Interested in joining the Scouting Movement as a Scouter? Click here for more information.