Scouting leads kids away from teenage temptation

talita and friends17 year old Talita Mekgwe has been in the Scouting Movement for a decade. As a Scout with the Robin Hills Scout Group she participated in building the SCOUTS South Africa billboard on the corner of Sloane and Main Road in Bryanston. This is what she learnt and enjoyed:

SSA: Why did you decide to help with building the new billboard to promote Scouting?
It was something that had never been done before and I would have the opportunity to see some of my Scout friends

SSA: What do you hope it achieves?
I hope it advertises Scouts and leads young kids away from teenage temptation by joining the movement.

banner goes up learn by doingSSA: What did you enjoy the most?
Building the structure with friends and Scouts I had never met and watching the banner go up.

SSA: Did you learn a new skill on the day by building the construction?
Yes I learnt how to lead scouts that aren’t in my Troop.

SSA: What is the coolest skill you have ever learnt through Scouting?
How to build major pioneering construction with nothing but poles and ropes.

SSA: Why should your peers join the Movement?
To learn life skills they cannot learn in school.

 SSA: Can you give us one of your most favorite Scouting memories and tell us why it’s so special?
I remember walking through the gate and ringing the bell when completing PLTU, our senior Scout leadership course. This was memorable because it showed that I had achieved something great and was able to walk in the footsteps of the people I look up to in Scouting.

The Proud Builders of The Scout BillboardWe would like to give a big Scouting Bravo to Randburg Scouting District Commissioner Ryan De Jager and all the Scouts and Scouters involved: 1st Randburg Scouts Duncan Stoltz, Connor Crickmore-Thompson and Lance Huddy; 1st Bryanston Scouts Simon Pienaar, Christopher Van Oerle and Victoria van Oerle; 1st Craighall Scouts Michael Bothma, Melissa Schaffrath and Fabian di Giandomenico; 1st Robin Hills Scouts Shane van Onselen, Sian van Onselen, Rocio Resola and Talita Mekgwe. The Scouters present were Michelle Strydom and Garth Crickmore-Thompson from the 1st Randburg Scout Group.

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