Earth Hour 2018, remember switch off your lights

On Saturday, 24 March 2018, the world celebrates EARTH HOUR 2018. 

EH 2018 Global OOH Long Landscape 9021x3021

Starting as a symbolic lights out event in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour is now the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment, inspiring millions of people to take action for our planet and nature. Some 187 countries and territories took part last year, and more than 3,100 landmarks went dark.

Once again Scouts around the world are encouraged to support this initiative in addressing climate change by switching off their lights between 20h30 and 21h30 on the 24th of March 2018.

In support of Earth Hour, the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) has established a campaign for Scouting members.  You can visit the WOSM site for more info and ideas at and encourage your Group to join in.

#earthhour2018 #connect2earth on Saturday 24 March @ 20h30