KZN Annual Competition Rally

Children and Scouters at KZN RallyOn the 15th of September over 3000 children and youth, SA Minister of Finance Min Nene, the World Organisation of Scout Movements Africa Regional Director, Mr Frederick Kama-Kama and SSA Chief Scout Dr Brendon Hausberger will be attending the Annual KZN Competition Rally. This year it is to be held in Durban.

SCOUTS South Africa’s programmes are implemented both within and outside of school curricula nationwide. Since 1959 an Annual Competition for Cubs and Scouts is held in September for children and youth participating in the in-school KZN Scouting programmes. Over the past months Cubs and Scouts from various schools throughout the province have competed in District competitions. The winners will now come together and showcase their talents and knowledge whilst competing to be the best of the KZN!

KZNRallyThe various skills and knowledge events include cooking a meal without using any utensils, first aid presentations, knowledge on HIV & AIDS Prevention, the values embedded in the Scout Promise and Law, their environment and national symbols. This year a special emphasis will be placed on unity driven activities such as SCOUTS South Africa’s Food Security Projects known as Food for Life.

SCOUTS South Africa (SSA) was established in South Africa in 1908 and has remained a non-political organisation since its inception. SSA is a recognised National Scout Organisation, affiliated to the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (“WOSM”). SSA is registered as a non-profit organisation (019-215-NPO), and has operating groups in all nine Provinces.

For more information or to schedule an interview: contact SSA KZN Regional Commissioner Dr Goodenough Dlamini on or SSA National PR, Natasha Kayle on