Look no further! You have found a charity that will tick all your CSI boxes. As a Friend of Scouting we share a common interest in helping children and young people thrive and make positive life choices. Helping them learn the value of their own worth, whilst inculcating sound morals, is the greatest gift we can share. To continue to enrich the lives of our volunteers, youth and children we need a little help from our Friends. Your gift – both small and big – is meaningful and will helps us to sustain Scouting throughout South Africa.
For over 100 years, SCOUTS SA has been enthralling and educating thousands of children on a weekly basis. Our programmes strive to keep youth out of crime and away from abuse, by exposing them to value based outdoor activities that allow them to prosper.
The South African Scouting programmes have shaped the lives of thousands of boys and girls and young men and women. Today, with over 190 000 members, Scouting still sets the bar when it comes to contemporary value based youth programmes. Skills such as outdoor survival, first aid, citizenship, leadership as well as team work set members up for success.
With 94% of our membership residing in rural and disadvantaged areas SCOUTS South Africa has a Level 1 BEE accreditation, but more importantly SCOUTS SA is in a prime position to nurture and unleash the potential of SA youth today!