
Herbert the MeerkatFor decades Scouting in South Africa served children and young people between the ages of 7 and 30. However,in a country where adequate education is lacking, SSA identified the necessity for a programme to address the developmental needs of children aged 5-6 years old. The Meerkat Programme has been developed to help meet these needs.

Early childhood education is inextricably linked to how children will perform as adults, largely because early learning builds the foundation for later success. SCOUTS South Africa strives to prepare its members to overcome life’s challenges and to succeed as skilled, confident and productive members of society.

To find out more about the Meerkats or to embark on the Meerkat Adventure, check out the information below!


How to start Meerkats

Meerkat Trail

Meerkat Badge Book

Forms and info

2024 Meerkat Challenge

Star Den Awards

More resources