Programme Resources

Mpumalanga camp 2019

Meerkat Programme Resources: Find the Meerkat Adventure, Badge Book and programme ideas here. For additional resources click here.

Cub Programme Resources: Find the Cub Trail, Cub Badge Book, Pack Chat, National Cub Challenge, etc…  here! For more Cub resources and Programmes on a Plate, click here.

Scout Programme ResourcesThe Scout Programme, forms and resources are all available here. For additional resources such as pro-plan charts, etc. click here.

Rover Programme Resources: Get the Rover Trail, Rover resources and information you need for your Crew. Check out the Scout Wiki for more Rover resources here.

Adult Support Resources: Do you want to know more about our Adult Leader Support Programme? Here you can find our SSA Job descriptions, Adult Leader forms, information on Adult Leader Training or Recruitment.